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Make Your Own Celluloid Ruby Gem (verboselogging.com)
14 points by darkhelmetlive on Feb 11, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Disappointed that this is about ruby something or other, and not about homebrew kodachrome.



> In this set you will find random photos and information on a project a friend has undertaken - a machine to make his own camera film.

> Plastic and goop go in one end, and camera film comes out the other end. This is not a trivial undertaking.


Those links are far more fascinating than "yet another ruby lib". I too was hoping the original submission was about homebrew film or plastic. The earliest plastic goods were made from celluloid.

When I saw the title, my first thought was "Some poor soul is nitrating cellulose at home, and the BATF is staging a raid of their 'bomb factory' right now".

I must be the only person who thought this was about the gem using Actor pattern. Great write-up. I really appreciated it as concurrency was something I've been looking into and was about to start toying with the Celluloid gem. This was a really good, clear example with useful code. Thanks!

Of course, adding the word "gem" to the title might indeed help. Now, an article on creating the material celluloid would indeed be awesome... volunteers?

I'm really glad to see more folks discussing Celluloid and actor-model based concurrency in Ruby, too!

If you liked this article, you may also enjoy "A gentle introduction to actor-based concurrency"(*), which shows how to solve the dining philosopher's problem using Ruby threading primitives, celluloid, and a made-from-scratch actor model similar to what is shown in this article:


Disclaimer: I am the editor for practicingruby.com, and this is one of our contributed articles (from Alberto Fernandez-Capel).

I guess the hard part is getting a good supply of guncotton:



Despite using ruby, I was immensely disappointed this article wasn't about materials science. Misleading title, guys

Sorry, didn't realize "celluloid" meant something else. Changed the title.

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