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WooThemes has partnered with Codeable (woothemes.com)
8 points by tzaman on Feb 11, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

This is exactly what I was looking for, but at $29 a task, it's a little steep when I just have a small question. If the task took 15-30 minutes of their times I suppose that's a fair price though.

I've had luck with one good programmer I found on oDesk for a lot less per hour, but it's not for everybody, and there's definitely a trust factor.

$29 will soon be history - we are updating the app with the new approach: you'll be able to negotiate a price once your task will be submitted. Stay tuned!

That sounds a lot better, I will stay tuned.

I love this site idea. As a freelance web developer in the past, I experienced first hand the world of these types of clients. I think a site like this is a great way to address the needs of this type of client.

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