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Building CSS3 Transforms (shayhowe.com)
33 points by shay-howe on Feb 11, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I haven't checked this chapter out yet, but this whole project is really awesome, Shay. There's not many materials out there that aim to help out intermediate devs. It's obviously a market problem...why make a book where the audience is 15% of the "beginner" one, but I'm glad you're doing this. Definitely putting this in my short list of educational materials for front end devs.

Thank you! When you get around the checking it out please let me know what you think, I'd love any feedback.

Excellent resource!

Also, the Backface Visibility example doesn't seem to work properly, both examples in that section look the same.

Ubuntu + Chrome 24.0.1312.57


I'll check into the backface visibility bugs. :)

Yes - thanks Shay, these lessons are really awesome!

Very well done. I'll admit to skimming through most of the heavier text to check the code examples, but it's all nice and thorough. Also, congrats on not making some weird mobile version of the site. It was super easy to read from my phone and all the examples worked perfectly (iOS 6).

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