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Mashape - The Cloud API Hub (mashape.com)
15 points by netvarun on Feb 8, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Looks very nice!

A couple of notes - I don't understand why I need a password if I log in with Github. The point was avoiding another set of credentials.

Second, I should be able to use APIs with free tiers without a credit card and/or at allow more payment options (Google Wallet/Amazon payments/Paypal etc)

I love mashape. I'm 100% biased: I've used them to host Lambda Labs API from day 1.

The team is amazing, fastest customer service in the west.

Mash-ape or maSHAPE? Either way, I'm a fan of startups whose names could easily be Pokemon.


Mashape comes from the fusion between the words "mash" and "shape".

Mashape looks pretty cool. Another good one I found recently is http://www.apihub.com/ (not affiliated)

Great time to be a developer

one of the most promising companies around. Mashape means quality and reliability!! Great job

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