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Adobe issues emergency Flash update for attacks on Windows, Mac (arstechnica.com)
34 points by shawndumas on Feb 8, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Any info for what the payload is and any info on how to tell if you've been infected?

Adobe's security advisory says they're aware of these attacks happening in the wild, so they must presumably know something about it. It would be nice if they shared these details.

It says its related to opening a word document with embedded flash, so luckily its not a true 'drive by' and would require some social engineering to work since the user has to download and open a .doc

Not true:

"Adobe is also aware of reports that CVE-2013-0634 is being exploited in the wild in attacks delivered via malicious Flash (SWF) content hosted on websites that target Flash Player in Firefox or Safari on the Macintosh platform, as well as attacks designed to trick Windows users into opening a Microsoft Word document delivered as an email attachment which contains malicious Flash (SWF) content." [my emphasis]


ah, didn't see that.

A linux update - will this only be for chrome, or will is there an update for firefox too ?

Chrome's sandboxed + automated update approach did apparently work fine again.

I'm still browsing from inside a full VM (KVM)... With Chrome ; )

Why not just use AppArmor or SE?

Any details on how to use these except apt-get'ing these?

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