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Javascript Metaballs (jonanin.com)
38 points by Jonanin on Feb 7, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Here are my JavaScript metaballs (WebGL required):


Wow there's some seriously cool stuff here https://code.google.com/p/webglsamples/ !

The performance characteristics of having both open at the same time are bit cute. In my case (Firefox/Win7 on some random laptop) the WebGL one renders a burst of frames, then pauses for a sec, and then another burst and cycle continues.

they are really cool too

I misread this as "meatballs". Needless to say, this was not what I was expecting ;-). I like the effect. I wonder what meta-metaballs would look like...

I can't seem to load the page, I had to use a Google cached copy, but that didn't include any JS.

Doh! Dreamhost seems to be having issues. Here's an alternate URL:

I was wondering a while ago if you could use an effect like this to get reasonable performance for real-time raytracing. It wouldn't be realistic, but you might get a nice painterly look with fancy lighting for 3d scenes.

Very pretty though.

It's beautiful.

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