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Silicon Valley job growth has reached dot-com boom levels, report says (mercurynews.com)
48 points by Lightning on Feb 7, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 34 comments

It's a great time to be a software developer.

However, this can't last forever. For those of you that have also experienced the low times in this industry. What do you recommend in order to be ready for a potential big change?

By a big change, I mean when the moment comes where developers are not so highly demanded, so well paid, so nicely appreciated.

Always be learning something new and try to anticipate what specific skills will be in demand a year or two from now. My favorite thing about this profession is that you have to be learning new things constantly.

Keep some contacts in the non-startup world. When the shit hits the fan people are still going to need boring-ass ecommerce and the like.

I don't think this will happen soon, maybe you will have to learn new technologies, but demand for software developers should still be high in the near future. Let's be honest, everything is being automated and moved to the internet and there is still a lot to do, I would even say we're just at the beginning of the path.

There's a tech boom going on in the bay area, and it seems like I'm constantly reading comments here on HN about how companies are having to scramble to find enough people with programming skill to fill the jobs being created. I hope this is true, and I have a related question.

Let's say you have a 22-year-old living in the bay with no post-high school education and no programming experience. How far does this boom go? If he's smart, can he get a job out of this if he decides, today, to self-study as hard as he can and see if he has an aptitude for this kind of thing? Are there 'low-level' jobs being created for the non-rockstars, too?

Argh, it's really hard to keep this impersonal. Obviously this is me, and I want really badly to be told I have a shot. I genuinely have no idea whether this is a pipe dream. Thanks to anyone who responds--a job counselor I asked was "encouraging", but somehow I feel like a semi-anonymous HN comment would be worth more....

Your best bet for getting companies to be willing to take a risk on you, if you have no relevant education or work experience yet, is to start working on side projects(that you can share on places like GitHub), contributing to open source, maybe work on a phone app or two and release them (depending on where your interests lie exactly in the software world). Perhaps gather these into a slick, well designed, simple web site, basically saying what you said above. Anything tangible that will make people more excited about giving you a shot.

They likely won't be willing to just take your word that you were a proficient self-study, but if your work is good, some people will be willing to look beyond just the education. While you are trying to teach yourself, take a bit of time to get a basic familiarity with Computer Science concepts (data structures, algorithms, common design patterns, and OO concepts if applicable, etc). These can often seem unnecessary and overly complicated to a self taught developer (speaking from experience), but they can really help with writing nicer, cleaner, more efficient code in the long run.

One thing that helped move me in the right direction for my career was starting a couple of web sites for ideas I had for various niche communities (I had dreams of grandeur and selling my websites for millions, ha). They both failed miserably, and never really generated a sustainable user base. However, I learned a ton in the process about web technologies from front end to the database side of things, and having that on my resume really helped in start-up interviews, as it was a mentality that people in those circles could relate to.

Thanks for the advice. I'm near the beginning of Harvard's free Intro to Computer Science online course at the moment, and creating a niche community website sounds like an excellent project to take on once I have the skills. :)

1) Create Github account 2) Make cool things you are interested in in your off time 3) Parlay into job

This works. Really. Block Hacker News in your hosts file until you have a job.

There's hope: I know plenty of successful mostly-self-taught to entirely-self-taught engineers at great companies. One of the best engineers I know is a former nurse. You have to be incredibly dedicated, be willing to put in many many hours before it seems to click, and try to find good peers or mentors to learn from... But it's doable, and you can get very good in a few years.

Don't just do it for the pay or it'll be a hard road through. But if you love technology and think you could love programming, then try it out.

Tiny little secret: once you get good enough that you can reliably [make dynamic websites with Rails / write iOS apps / insert technology you're interested in here], try freelancing on something like elance to get experience. You'll probably mess up enough that you'll be making minimum wage or less after the time spent fixing things, but you'll grow your skillset pretty quickly.

Thanks for the tiny little secret! That sounds ideal, once I reach that level of competence. :)

If he's smart, can he get a job out of this if he decides, today, to self-study as hard as he can and see if he has an aptitude for this kind of thing?

Aptitude for what kind of thing? Since this is HN, I'll guess it means becoming a programmer, but you might also mean non-technical startup partner, other entrepreneur, or something else.

If you are dreaming of being a programmer but have no programming experience, I'd have to wonder what it is you are dreaming. It's not a glamorous profession when seen from the inside, but if you've been programming for a while and love programming enough to want to do it whether you are paid or not (like me), then it makes sense to try to get paid for it. But you'd have to program for a while before you could know that.

I think someone in your position should just find a job, any job that leaves your evenings free--Home Depot is hiring--and try to teach yourself to program every evening after work. Programming is frustrating for quite a while, so don't let it make you feel stupid. Just see if it starts to grow on you eventually or you gradually lose interest. If it grows on you, then start attending in-person meetups, participating in projects online, building things of your own and (later) showing them off, and talking to people you meet about your interest in a programming job somewhere.

Continue building skills, relationships, experience, and your resume by being strategic about gaining experience. If you can live with a Home Depot-level salary, you'll probably find small companies that won't care about your lack of college if you don't care that they don't pay much. Big companies like Google or Apple probably won't even talk to someone without either an impressive degree or an impressive list of professional accomplishments. You can eventually come up with the latter if you really do come to love programming, but until then, a bootstrap strategy suggests starting with programming for free (after work), then programming for a small company (that might not pay much), then specializing your skills a bit into whatever area you do best, then working at better (but not giant) companies, then deciding what to do from there.

If you find that you hate programming, don't despair. My Silicon Valley plumber makes $140/hr and thinks my programming job sounds like having to do math homework all day long for a lifetime (as if that were a bad thing, go figure), while his is driving around saving people and socializing, running his own company, working whatever hours he feels like...and the grime washes off at the end of the day.

Thank you for the detailed reply. I guess I was a little coy about "no" programming experience. I dipped my toe in far enough already that I feel I can guess (with not too much precision) what to expect. I'm not expecting glamour, but I am hoping I end up loving it. I do wish I had started programming earlier.

The "find a job at Home Depot and program at night" strategy is basically what I plan to do. And yeah, plumbing is on the list of possibilities too. But I hope I find something I like in programming.

Somehow it feels like I've been waiting for "permission" to do this, which is bizarre and makes no sense. But the five replies I've gotten to the first comment are confirmatory enough that I think I can keep my mouth shut, stop doubting, and just pursue this for a few months. Then I can pop up for air and see how far I've gotten. Again, thanks.

I think you certainly have a solid shot at being successful at this. Heck, that's true even in a down market and/or in places other than SV, but I also think you're lack of interest in the field up until now might suggest that you'll end up hating it.

Build something and launch it in public (by which I mean a product). You'll prove both an aptitude and a willingness to see something to the end, which to many people will be as good as a degree, and you'll find out if you love this field or hate it.

If you start, make sure you finish. Get someone to hold you accountable to this if necessary.

By living in the bay, you already have access to jobs most of us can only dream of. Treasure the opportunity :)

How does a 22-year-old high school graduate with no programming experience end up on Hacker News? What do you read here?

I'm not challenging your right to be here (I think it's cool)--I'm just curious. I think it would be interesting insight into how Hacker News grows.

Can some of these jobs please go somewhere else?

Pretty please?

There's no good reason all of this growth needs to be concentrated in the Bay Area, and it is hurting long-term residents in favor of people who will, in all likelihood, not be here in 5-10 years.

Tech job growth is happening everywhere, it's just that macroeconomically it only moves the needle in places like SV where it's a big enough percentage of the overall job market.

I'm curious how to figure that a strong job market is hurting local residents though. If you plan on living in a place for a long time the worst thing that could happen is job loss.

Startup millionaires driving up housing prices to ridiculous levels, I imagine.

But if you live there then this helps your property values. Otherwise why not live in Detroit?

Assuming you own, which most residents of San Francisco do not. Long term residents are getting pushed out of their homes and have nowhere to go, and the tech community refuses to take responsibility for its part in this.

There are a ton of software development jobs open in the DC area. The companies are not as sexy as Twitter or Google, but they're hiring.

This is cause for euphoria, yes, but also a moment to reflect on the lessons of the past. Let us forge our path forward with sobriety and humility this time, and embrace a more disciplined and sustainable future.

Or maybe we should let it blow up, so that tech jobs will go back to non-SV locations :D

This article is Silicon Valley-centric...but other metros are growing as fast or faster.

Austin, TX (where I live now after being in the Valley for 10 years) also added a similar amount of jobs in 2012:


Many of those jobs are in high-tech. A nice side benefit is that, due to the much lower tax rate and cheaper cost of living, you can actually be comfortable on a lower salary. My co-founder rents a 2000-sq.ft. house for $1250/mo.

tl;dr: Check out areas other than the Valley as well if you want a job in tech, and factor in quality-of-life to your decision on where to live.

Austin is a great place to be. I haven't found a place with better balance of big city amenities and pay/cost of living ratio. You can live here as cheap(used to have $325 rent with one roommate) or as spendy as you prefer. Been living here for some time, lots of tech companies and a healthy community of people that do software. There are even startups - I'm starting with one in a couple of weeks.

So when do I get to go to a launch party held on an aircraft carrier?


Just keep waiting for someone to book it...

Hurricane Electric hosted a customer appreciation party on the USS Hornet a year or so back.

I wish this were affecting São Paulo, here we do have a kinda thriving tech industry but if you are earning 60k you are the manager with 20 years of experience.

I code mobile games here and get around 20k, and this is already way more than my peers, and don't pay my bills ( and I don't have a car, or a house, a videogame, or even a watch, my most valuable possessions are my glasses and my phone, and the last one I never paid, it was a gift )

I am sure if more SV companies learned how to use telecommuting they would have a decline in costs, as all those third world coders are crazy to get even scraps is SV and work for 40, 50k.

So why not move? Ideally, you should compete on a global market. Even an entry level programmer from a good university can do better than that in Beijing.

I won't move without a solid offer first. (and not for 50k).

I have things to take care here, and if I ever move, I need to be stable enough and have money enough to return here sometimes to see how things are going.

I cannot just go adventuring and move without a chance of getting a job first.

You can see a bit of the chicken-and-egg problem here. You're not willing to move without an offer. Yet your chances of getting an offer are dramatically multiplied if you do move to the Bay Area, even if only for a few months. Telecommuting has a bit of a bad rap at many companies.

As a guy from a different third-world country, I could point out something: travelling to the US is not cheap for us.

A flight ticket to San Francisco alone costs me about 1 month's salary, and that's before considering living expenses and the painful 3x currency conversion rate. Visa applications aren't cheap, and is a major pain in the ass to apply for.

In other words, I can understand why speeder won't simply up and shift to SF. Simply put, I cannot afford to go the US without a solid job offer.

Fair enough. If you are stuck there, you are stuck there and your company probably can get away with underpaying you. You could try to dive into some independent side work like developing good iOS/Androids apps.

And Brazil isn't that bad right? Its a nice place to live, maybe the lifestyle is even laidback. There is more to life than earning money and accumulating things.

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