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Hey...relax. It was a thought experiment. No need to blast it.

What you are apparently so shocked by, and what you describe as "unbelievably dickish," is actually fairly common throughout the United States. A concurrent problem is the difficulty older people have in finding jobs after such a thing.

Do I agree with it? No, I'm not saying that. But your other examples are much more outlandish and, frankly, not on the same level of injustice. You seem to be crying out against this with the same passion that consumed many people during the Occupy Wall Street protests - this has been happening for a long time, it's not a recent development, and just now you are demonizing it to a much greater degree than it needs to be.

Again, I'm not saying you should be happy about it. But your parallel examples aren't parallel at all. It's age discrimination, yes, but what are you changing by posting this huge rant? And whose mind are you changing?

The author of the blog post wasn't trying to implicitly advocate for ageism. He wasn't make it a de facto axiom of proper business protocol just because he included it in his example. It's just a real world example.

My underlying point here is, in your shock at what is really a common phenomenon, you seem to have missed the point of the post itself. In fact, you have the opposite reaction...it was actually supposed to be a bit amusing, my friend.

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