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Most Popular Programming Languages of 2013 (codeeval.com)
24 points by veritas9 on Feb 6, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments

Dunno what to make of your bubblechart. On the one hand, I should be absolutely ecstatic that I am firmly sitting inside the 0.6% bubble and still making ~200k per year, with complete, total and utter ignorance of the rest of the bubbles that make up 99.4%. On the other hand, I wonder if just like the dotcom bubble and the housing bubble, this 0.6% bubble will also pop. Maybe I should broaden my skillset just a little bit...ah, what's that 0.8% bubble right next to mine ? Closer Clojer Closur ? Where have I heard that before. Oh yeah wasn't that the rival language also hot for data scientists. Hmmm...maybe if I bone up on that..after all, 0.6+0.8 > 0.6 :)

Every bubble pops. It's a fact of life and a function of surface tension, internal pressure, and bubble diameter. Learn Java (or Python) and don't over inflate your bubble.

On the other hand I am baffled why anyone in possession of free will would write 20 lines of Java to "determine if an input string is a palindrome" when plainly this is bait for perl/ruby one-liners.

Oh wait, this is just a sampling of codeeval submissions? I have no idea what that means.

Also a happy scalawag myself. Let's pull an outsourcing scam where I do all your work for 50k while you keep the rest and spend your day watching cat videos.

How are you making $200k/year doing Scala coding? More specifically, how do, as an experienced Scala user, get in on this?

As a 0.6er myself, I'm surprised to hear you aren't more familiar with 0.8. The two make for quite a great combo!

Can I have your job? K. Thx.

I'm not super familiar with codeeval, but it seems like (from the sample puzzles on the homepage) the puzzles are pretty standard engineering interview questions. That is, they are often short algorithms, which bias towards using scripting and "convenient" languages.

Still, surprising to see Java so high, and such disparity between Python and Ruby - the increase in C# is wholly expected.

Just curious, what do you think caused the increase in C#? I'm totally out of touch with Microsoft's doings nowadays.

Friend of mine who's opinion I respect made the switch from C++ to C# a couple of years ago. Says basically---all the fun much less of the pain. Since both he and I have been C++ hackers from the beginning (even got to use the macro package once on a consult) when a long time hard-core jumps ship I generally consider that a significant datum. I keep meaning to but my current projects are large and I'm not in a position to convert (yet...)

More people realizing that C# is just like Java, but better. And fewer people running away because of Microsoft's reputation.

With the addition of Mono gaining ground allowing C# to be cross-platform.

Just because a language is "better" doesn't always correlate with its popularity. I do agree that C# is better (at least when I used it a few years ago), but I'm asking more about what platform/ecosystem changes occurred to increase its popularity...windows phone coming out or something?

EDIT: Ok, people have answered with Mono and Unity...thanks!

Sorry, I phrased that poorly. I meant that I, personally, based off of my own biases, was expecting it - not that it should be obvious to everybody based on global factors.

In fact, I meant to communicate more that I am pleased to have my own biases confirmed rather than this being a global trend that everybody should be able to see.

Mono and Unity are both gaining in popularity.

Javascript just with 3.9% of the share? The title should probably be scoped to "Most Popular Programming Languages of 2013 on CodeEval". That's relatively clear from the text of the blog post, but it is still worth re-emphasizing.

Given the very small set of programming languages they support, it's a pretty important point though...

My blog post (wrote about an year ago) about programming language popularity, based on HN Poll : http://blog.sudobits.com/2012/03/28/top-10-most-popular-prog...

I seems somehow implausible that Javascript is so low given:

a) The amount of "Web 2.0" applications that are being developed.

b) The number of OS/Windowing systems that are supporting Javascript as a scripting/application language.

c) The (almost) constant necessity of "tweaking" almost any web design at least slightly (using Javascript).

d) The number of ready-made libraries to make programming in Javascript more fun.

e) NodeJS (Do I need to say anything else?).

I'm not a giant Javascript proponent, though I use it where it fits. But this "survey" seems to have a pretty significant amount of sample bias.

I wish Python the best, but I hope they can figure out their fragmentation issues between 2 And 3 before I want to invest my time in that ecosystem.

It's not so much a fragmentation issue as it is a migration issue. Everything is -- slowly but surely (and speeding up!) -- moving to Python 3.

I fear that the problem with this and other pseudo-metric sites is the same problem that essentially makes the rate of employment useless. Lack of universal accurate participation means those who don't care, or are otherwise under the radar (or above depending :) ) are not accounted for. These are fun, but not much else.

Another way CodeEval could interpret this data would be to take the inverse to extrapolate the languages whose users have the highest rates of employment (as demonstrated by their absence from codeeval)

Surprised of the low numbers for PHP and C# and the high numbers for Python.

zomg, I belong in the 0.02%!

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