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Ribbon Raises $1.6M, Launches New Way To Take Payments In The Facebook News Feed (techcrunch.com)
18 points by kloncks on Feb 5, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

I played around with Ribbon (and your API) over the weekend at MHacks and am really impressed. Definitely a more personal way to sell things online.

Flash went out of style 15 years ago. They are forgetting a big piece of the equation, a fan noticing the playhead and equating it to purchasing a product in the newsfeed. The video playhead is microscopic on FB's mobile app, too. Stop building for today, and build for tomorrow.

So I have to pay 2% more than similar "simple" credit card processors and I don't get the funds until the end of the month?

Cash flow is super important to any business, particularly small ones. That extra 2% adds up to thousands of dollars if you start seeing any significant sales.

No thanks.

Isn't this similar to Gumroad?

Ribbon, unlike any of our competitors, focuses on selling across multiple platforms.

The transactions occur in-stream. Make a Ribbon product, get the link, copy/paste into your Facebook, and you'll see what I'm saying.

Ok got it, sounds pretty cool

This looks awesome!

does facebook really allow this?

Make a Ribbon product. Copy/paste the url in your newsfeed and watch our magic!

Tell us what you think.

doesnt work in-stream for me (in facebook). link opens a new window which redirects to a facebook app where the canvas is the 'main' ribbot page (not my product).

Email me please, hany@ribbon.co

Hany, well done! This is one of the best hacks of feed gaming[1] I have seen. Keep it up!

1. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/feed-gaming/

Please define 'magic'. Are you referring to that poorly designed, sloppily implemented, stamp-sized flash checkout that violates most checkout usability best practices? Scratch head.

i mean i'm sold on the concept, just weirded out that it's allowed by facebook.

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