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Show HN: A simple multiplayer game with Python and Socket.io (stuff.pyramidlabs.in)
33 points by yumyum on Feb 3, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

Some issues:

1. You should add code to keep diamonds from spawning in rocks. It'd be simple to implement: Check if the diamond spawn location is rock, and if it is, don't spawn it.

2. Don't use a dialog for user name entry; use a form or something instead. In my browser (Chromium on Linux Mint), the dialog locks the entire browser window until I type in a name, even if I don't want to play -- maybe I just want to click on About to see more about you.

3. Is this open-source? It's probably way too simple to be commercially viable, but it'd be instructive for learning socket.io to look at the source; you should put it on Github or something.

4. Just checked the site again; it's down. The front page of HN will do that. Maybe you could throw some screenshots up on a static http server or Amazon S3 if you the ingredients handy, so people have something to look at.

Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it. 1. Yes, I have been working on that. 2. Fill fix that as soon as possible. 3. Yes, I have put up the code : https://github.com/aradhyat/Mine_escape I am using Pyramid framework and gevent-socketio library for backend and Quintus HTML5 game engine.

The project was built in 2 days over the weekend, so there are few bugs.

Small bug - I'm reading in HN in bed right now and I have a mounted screen a few metres away from me. I clicked on Start/Play and wanted to cancel, so I cancelled the first alert box but then found myself in an endless loop of alert boxes stealing focus from all other Chrome windows. I had to kill Chrome in the end.

Just to let you know, #1 is somewhat insulting, since you don't know how the implementation works on the backend. Perhaps the entire system is written with the diamonds spawning first. If you read the code and found that it would be easy, I apologize, but it also wouldn't hurt to mention that.

Is this running on Flask? Could be why it went down. I'm interested to see if the source code is available- I'm currently working on a python game for school and wanted to checkout the multiplayer code.

No, it is not. It is built on Pyramid framework. The code is available at : https://github.com/aradhyat/Mine_escape

> Is this running on Flask? Could be why it went down.

Are you just saying you don't like Flask, or is there some sort of specific problem you're referencing?

I'm a fan of Flask- I was just curious if it was a Django or Flask app running as a process and not setup with nginx/apache + wsgi. The port 8080 is what made me ask.

Nice looking game... but, I can jump and move about with the arrow keys, but pass straight through diamonds (floating in the air), and can't drill through the rock. I tried other keys on the keyboard, but nothing happens. How should I be playing?

Looks really cool. Well done guys.

Also the guys at pyramid labs do some awesome web design work. I have been giving project to Rahul for a number of years (before they started pyramid labs) and he has never let me down.

I read HN in bed on my iPad on weekends. Most of these games don't have on screen controls, but yours did! It was a little broken though, I could only press the right arrow most of the time.

There is a bit of a XSS vulnerability if you make your name <script>alert("Hello")</script>.

Oh ! Thanks for pointing out.

Nice. How do you get the diamonds out that are stuck in the rocks if your only controls are the arrow keys?

Server is down.

Not working for me, either. But I see people upvoting the link, indicating they are able to access it.

Is down for me.

Hacker news traffic is taking a toll on the server. It is up again. :D

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