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julesie on Feb 1, 2013 | hide | past | favorite

You probably emailed bunch of your friends and asked them to vote this up, right? There is no way this--with such a deceptive and provocative title with not much interesting content--would appear on the front page. We all know at this point, but nowadays it's so easy to 'hack' HN front page it's annoying. Well I guess that's what PG wants though huh, people who have 'used a system to their advantage'.

Probably a case of it being really early in the day for America that allowed it to rise so fast, but you're right, it did rise exceptionally fast: http://hnrankings.info/5150317/ position number 3 in ~5 minutes. Not proof they gamed but certainly plausible.

Not 100% sure but I think mods have the ability to review vote histories and look for suspicious activity, if you flag the story it should be checked by a moderator.

If you don't like the story, flag it and move on. No need for meta conspiracy speculation.

>Please don't submit comments complaining that a submission is inappropriate for the site. If you think something is spam or offtopic, flag it by going to its page and clicking on the "flag" link. (Not all users will see this; there is a karma threshold.) If you flag something, please don't also comment that you did. //

From the guidelines.

So I wouldn't say to flag to indicate disliking a submission - disliking or thinking something is low quality doesn't mean it's off-topic. It doesn't really appear to be spam either.

But then downvotes aren't to show you dislike something either; they show low "quality" things which are detracting from the value of the site. So, perhaps that's appropriate.

Keeping firmly within the guidelines I think you'd have to say "ignore it and move on".

The top HN comment is negative and dickish? Color me surprised.

Agreed, negativity be damned. I was hoping to learn something insightful, but all I got was "running a company is hard".

The thing is, if this exact text was posted on 37Signals I'm confident half the negative comments would vanish. (Hell, it'd be a relatively good post for 37Signals -- just add an unabashed advertisement for Breeze at the end!)

I would have still left a negative comment if it had the same title. The title is clearly a linkbait. I actually read through the entire post looking for a mention of Techcrunch but felt betrayed in the end. I'm pretty sure most people who actually read the post went through the same thought process. That's why I accuse them of gaming the system, since I can't imagine anyone who felt that way voting it up.

I don't disagree, but I also dislike the fact that every 37Signals post is instantly front-paged regardless of content.

Interesting! I played around with booking a cleaner - I noticed if you try and book a one-time clean for sooner than 48 hours you not only get an error but also it resets the "one-time" process and you get the warning message box up again when you reselect.

And I didn't see anywhere warning me about that period.

I might well use it for my end-of-tenancy clean, though...

Thanks for the feedback. I've actually just been working on that section. Clearly a few more kinks to iron out!

All the bollocks you have to deal with day-to-day. You're not a CEO, you're a founder. You have to do everything. Get on with it. Nice piece.

Great write-up! I really enjoyed the style of the piece.

Random (sort of off-topic) question, but I honestly just don't know: Do you need the "AM/PM" if you are in a 24-hour time format?

I was thinking the same thing. It does seem excessive, but would just numbers look any better?

TLDR: Running a business is hard, but can be rewarding if it's what you enjoy.

Good piece.

Even though you're the founder, minimize the distractions and divide the different types of bullshit over different people. Having group discussions over support questions at random moments will crush collective productivity.

It says at the bottom that you're hiring, but no way to discover what for.

Very good point! In truth we are in the market for almost all skill sets but in particular design, front end dev and mobile dev. Drop us a line at hello@teddle.com if you are interested.

So you're hiring Perl devs? (If not you really need to rethink your hiring communication.)

I would give at least a phone screen to a talented developer, regardless of his language selection.

https://github.com/blair/orca written in Perl and he's a monster!

Just sent an e-mail at info@teddle.com because I could not find the "We are hiring page"...

So it's there if you have deep love for Brazilian/Italian devs.

p.s: I am ticket #179


Fun piece, loved the writing style.

Got another year left of a CS degree, but I may send an email your way in the near future!

Newsworthy news?

newsworthy? who cares.

great read? funny? yes & yes.

alex why are you telling this "shit" which tech crunch does not want to report on

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