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This asshole was run out of Cleveland (fired from two companies back to back) for behavior like this.

Everyone I've talked to says he is horrible to work with.

If you think his reaction was bad, perhaps you should look at yours.

Allow me to rephrase.

I don't find his apology genuine. I've witnessed first hand to him behaving like this to someones's face on multiple occasions a meetups.

This behavior is so consistent that it actually got him fired back to back. Once from a big company and once from a small one.

I've talked to a lot of people that have worked with him and confirmed this.

I don't buy is apology.

And.... cue the slander.

The apology wasn't for you. Nobody cares that you don't buy it.

What they may care about, however, is your slanderous trolling.

I do think it's fair that people are at least made aware this is by far the first time this has happened.

He attacked someone in a public forum, he apologized in a public forum, and I'm commenting on it based no my previous direct observations, in a public forum.

So yes, his apology in a public forum, was for me, for you, and for everyone else. If it was for her, it would of been directly to her. He's trying to cover his ass and nothing more. IMO.

It's only slander if it's false.

Anonymous user signs up to post defamatory remarks, "truth" isn't exactly on their side. It's slander before it's the truth, that's for sure.

Perhaps shrughes knows something more. Perhaps shrughes is the anonymous defamatory poster. Yep, that's all the evidence I need - my own guess work. I'm satisfied shrughes is guilty (until proven innocent naturally).

Maybe you should stop being so censorious. You bad person, you.

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