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Building a 200000 Dollar Business in 11 Months Flat (neerajagarwal.net)
32 points by motyar on Dec 26, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

So the article does not give ANY information on what the author built and/or what specific things he learned. No idea how this is on the front page.

Looks like he sells WordPress themes: http://www.inkthemes.com/

And that makes me curious on how that other guy sold $22k (1.2m rupees) in wordpress themes overnight. Maybe he should have written the blog post!

Yeah, I even looked around on the blog and found nothing.. Marketing 101: link to your product.

"Seriously doing business is all about knowing few key business logics. If you know, those logics there is no way your business can fail. And I have pretty much learned them by heart and I am pretty confident, I can take any business to heights."

Pray tell. I would be interested in hearing what the few things you need to know to make infallible businesses.

Key business logic #1: get people interested by saying that the awesome stuff is coming next.

Is he talking about Indian Rupees? I had never heard of a Lakh as a unit of currency before (wikipedia says its 100,000 units, still not super clear http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakh)

What is his business? What did he learn from the affiliate who was selling for him?

Correct, Lakh is 100K units. It's used commonly with INR, in India.

This seems vague. Who is this guy and what does he make?

Apparently he sold wordpress themes for that amount. http://www.inkthemes.com/

Well he sells wordpress themes.... oh and does business training.

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