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> (long story)

I hope I'm not being a dick by commenting on this but the subthread is getting fairly long with 'me too's. Can you give any kind of explanation as to what's been going wrong?

Also, this is the first I've heard about Game On 2010 so I went to find out more[1] and it looks like all of the links (winners list, game gallery) have been stomped by this year's site. I can still see Google's cached screenshots but no info.

And ninethly: loved Browserquest. Competitors, get your MMO on!

[1] https://www.google.com/search?q=mozilla+game+on

Sure. Happy to shine some light on what happened at Game On:

We had a contractor help with organizing the contest. A software vendor had kindly offered to sponsor one of the main parts of the prices. Unfortunately they never actually sent the software packages to us for distribution to the category winners. Meanwhile the contract for the contractor had expired and I essentially just dropped the ball on following up with the winners and offering them a replacement in lieu of the originally planned software package.

Your typical chain of events crap. My bad. We are actively sorting it out now.

The two other people are unrelated to Game On - they are waiting for t-shirts which fell through the cracks somewhere. I don't particular care who blew this - all I care about is that those two people get their shirts. And one of them already emailed me. So - we're sorting it out as well. :)

And on the first Game On - we ran this as a fun experiment out of Mozilla Labs. The 2012 edition is run as a much bigger thing out of the Mozilla Foundation. :)

Thanks. Your response to the issue reflects well on your organisation (imho). I'm making a note here: 'huge success'.

So, as a Game On 2010 contestant, my entry is now gone from their site? I prefer to participate to js1k which does not erase entries. Also the reader should be aware that he will be in competition with games in development for years, some run by companies. (edit: not to mention the sudden urge to send prizes now instead of in due time)

Gah. The old site and old pages will come back -- part of the shift that pmoz mentions above is that different teams ran the 2010 site and the 2012 version, and so we're learning (a bit late) how to build in permanence into the site structures).

I also work for Mozilla, on the MDN website. If you want you can always upload a copy of your game to the MDN demo studio too:


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