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UltraREPL - A JavaScript Development Environment Within JavaScript (github.com/benvie)
36 points by Hirvesh on Dec 1, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Via Functionn - Open Source Resources For Web Developers & Designers: http://functionn.blogspot.com/2012/11/ultrarepl-javascript-d...

P.S. Functionn contains a whole lot more of awesome resouces like UltraREPL. There only a fraction of them I can post here at a time. Take a look if you're interested, and subscribe:


What's your relation with functionn?

I've seen your posts and looks like blogspam to me.

Are you posting the entire archive of Functionn?

C'mon man, the entire archives of Functionn has like 600+ AWESOME RESOURCES like UltraREPL, you think it's feasible to post all of them here?

Nope, posting only what I think the HN Community will appreciate and new upcoming resources, if it's not wanted, then I will cease doing it :)

EDIT: If anybody else thinks I should stop posting the useful resources I find for the blog everyday, just drop a comment here.

I'm not saying it's bad or that you should stop. :)

you know you like it :P Cheers, no hard feelings :)

This looks really promising but seems very buggy here (Archlinux, node 0.8.14).

First getting an error, which made me have to modify the bin/ultra-repl to even get it to launch, and then I get errors about missing modules.. I might be doing it wrong :)

yup, i'm run it on opensuse and it's really buggy.

Finally! I remember looking for a decent js REPL a while back & not finding anything I liked. This looks really promising, though.

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