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Warning about Metro 2033. It's actually a pretty good game with great atmosphere despite it's faults but there is a part quite near they end that is almost guaranteed to make you rage-quit even on easy skill settings.

Edit: Requires Steam and Windows. I though the biggest point of the bundle was proving the market for DRM free cross platform games? They may as well have just made this a steam sale.

Warning about Metro 2033. It's actually a pretty good game with great atmosphere despite it's faults but there is a part quite near they end that is almost guaranteed to make you rage-quit even on easy skill settings.

Huh? I played Metro from start to finish over the space of about a week during the summer of last year and its a fantastic game. While it was quite difficult at times, I didn't find it so difficult that I would rage quit at any point.

I was referring to this part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0BSa75Cw_s

At about 1:40 in.

YMMV of course, I'm certainly not the best FPS player but I found this significantly more frustrating than any other point in the game by a large margin mainly because I kept losing because of a dumb NPC.

When I was googling around I found a lot of people frustrated by this part. I did most of the game on hard but struggled with this part on easy.

Ok, yeah, that bit was HARD

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