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Here is the answer from "the writer" :)

Interesting question I think, seriously. Do I search for validation online? I don't think so, I have enough of it around me, without having to turn to the web :). What about tip (experience, hack, call it the way you want) sharing? I see a lot of great posts written by really cool people around here; maybe is it also a way to try to give something back (or in your words, probably try to fit in the group in search for the reassuring feeling of being part of it ;)). This is (IMHO) the most probable reason.

I use all those tools for a long time, and discuss about it with my friends regularly. I think it is good for yourself to try to be good at what you do. Writing such articles and sharing it in the open is a way to find people having the same interests as me that I would never have found otherwise. Hopefully, the post will lead to interesting interactions (exactly what I am doing right now :). Can I call that peer-validation? Maybe, but not in the exact way in understood it in your comment :).

As a non native English speaker, I might be wrong but I felt like condescension in your comment. But this is probably my french nature speaking :p

Thank you, that's a good answer.

Additionally, a blog post a good resource/ starting point for others who are looking to accomplish something similar. I've heard of many of these tools before, but not all of them, so it's good reference material for me.

We're all a bunch of smarmy asses around here.

His comment was tough on you but fair, and your reply was excellent.

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