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Here in my opinion what a blogging platform needs as a least minimum features:

- Good SEO, signal. - A sense of ownership and trust by the user community.

A blog is like a home. An average person would most likely have one home to live. So a platform should provide enough comfort and trust-worthy mechanism for users to adopt. I guess every blogging platform started with this vision but over time, they lost trust-worthiness and a feel of comfort for users (unless you self-host).

It didn't feel right when Blogger was littered with neighbors who were spammers and pornographers, although blogspot was a fine and crisp start.

The guinea-pig aspect of Wordpress.com and their lack of control for user over their own blogs is another negative. I don't know much about Tumblr and others so I won't speak about them.

Ultimately, if you are providing blogging services as a platform for users to adopt, than you have to ensure that your ground has a solid foundation for users to build their houses.

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