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Hacker News Tokyo Japan Meetup #16 – Thursday 27th of September, 2012 (makeleaps.jp)
33 points by jason_tko on Sept 14, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

We're coincidentally holding the Kansai HN meetup the very next day!


Thanks for posting this. I live in Kansai and had no idea. Just signed up! It's my first meetup.

Cool, glad you noticed through this post (the other one did not make the front page unfortunately). Looking forward to meet you in 2 weeks!

Looks like it made it's way around. :)

Wonderful. I will be there.

Perfect. If you're in Japan, come and do the HN Japan tour!

Only if I can collect a different commemorative stamp at each event!

Badges !! Gamify HN Meetups! :D

any meetups planned in October? Which website should I check out for events?

In the Middle East/Qatar till the end of Nov, but looking forward to getting back...wish I could make it! Will be looking for events in December and next year!

Last one was rather interesting. Recommended for anyone in Japan at the moment.

Can't remember any names though; hopefully everyone else will be in the same boat!

Shoot, I missed the last one due to some last minute plans and this time I'm not around either. Glad to see it's happening fairly often though!

Looking forward to this one. Roti is a really nice venue with some great food and craft beer available. See you all there!

What is the frequency of those meetups? I go to Japan on holiday about once a year.

There's no fixed time, mostly because it's done voluntarily around work schedules, I believe. So far it's been about once every one or two months.

I'll be there, I'm in Tokyo until November

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