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Anonymous releases credit cards for 13 FBI agents (pastie.org)
12 points by noinput on Sept 13, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

While I agree with open data and that citizens ought to know more about their government, I'm still uncomfortable with the idea of releasing the home addresses of FBI agents. What good does that serve? What government transparency goals are achieved?

This leak doesn't seem to really do anything, except make it look like Anonymous are desperate for any dirt on the FBI after the UUID incident.

It seems pretty consistent with anonymous's general behavior though, which is that of a moody 5-year-old...


Do credit card dumps gratify one's intellectual curiosity?

The CC#s themselves, no. But I do find the topic interesting on a few levels. It's fascinating sometimes to think about where we are socially and technologically that enables this sort of thing to happen. By this, I mean the whole 'anonymous' movement as a whole.

I have a feeling anyone who touches these, even with a digital 10 ft pole, will be having a nice chat with suits.

Who would actually use these things??

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