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Google adds another cool tool to Search: The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon (thenextweb.com)
16 points by lrm on Sept 13, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

It's interesting trying to find an actor who has appeared in more than a handful of major hollywood movies (as opposed to indie flicks in which nobody has really worked with anyone) that has a Bacon Number > 3. I've tried about twenty so far, and everyone is at 2 currently. Even Linda Lovelace and Dev Patel. There is a counter challenge - Find a living actor who has appeared in three or more major hollywood releases with a Bacon Number of 4 or greater. Define Major Hollywood release as > 100 screens in the United States and more than $1mm in revenue.

For people not in the US, you need to change Google to English for this to work.

I'm not convinced that it is a useful tool. Anyone disagree?

"do a barrel roll" and "tilt" weren't directly useful, but they were certainly fun.

However, consider the potential ways that Google may have coded this and potentially been useful: identifying names and finding relationships with certain parameters. What seems fun on the outside may be a bare bones tech demo of relationship finding.

Or you can be a stick in the mud instead of recognizing this as a fun internet game.

It's fun, who cares if it's useful?

How about adding another tool for Erdös Number?

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