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What is the license like? It looked like per-user. Does this mean they do not wish it to be embedded on a web page? Can web browsers parse these OTF ligatures? Anybody have any experience here?

It would probably be a bad idea to embed this in a web page just for technical reasons, but for avoidance of doubt: fonts that you have to buy licenses for are virtually never embeddable directly. As a rule of thumb, if a technically capable person could in a short amount of time recover the original font from your web page and use it in their own work, you're materially violating the font's license.

This isn't just how this graphing font works; it's how virtually all professional typefaces work.

I'm not sure about embedding per their license, but I was also curious about whether or not ligatures will render in browsers. Apparently it's hit-and-miss:

Firefox has supported this since version 4, and but until recently it was the only browser do so. Now Microsoft has joined the party by announcing OpenType support in Internet Explorer 10, along with Chrome on Windows (not Mac yet).

(per http://blog.fontdeck.com/post/15777165734/opentype-1 with Chrome 16+ mentioned for Windows support. I haven't verified this.)

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