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I agree with you. Not cool at all. Unfortunately, there is an unpleasant trait that hackers seem to suffer from more than most other people. I call it the 'know it all' complex.

Know-it-alls are intolerant of views that are contrary to their own, usually very narrow opinion on how things should be done. Woe betide anyone who does not do it their way.

I felt it was the complete opposite. The wiki redesigners were showing an incredible amount of arrogance and know-it-allism with their redesign. I was just dripping out of their poorly thought out, americentric, hover-over design. Just look at the way they designed for I's.

I think it's slightly ironic that you present the "know it all" complex as trait that hackers suffer from, given that the OP refers to a post made by a designer that is a prime example of such behavior.

This trait is far from unique amongst hackers, and neither are the negative reactions to it.

Ah yes, the alpha nerd syndrome. Symptoms include not commenting code because "it should be obvious!"

A lot of people don't like comments because they feel that they tend to go stale, and code should be self-documenting.

"Alpha nerd syndrome". Brilliant observation!!!

i agree. it's a subconscious attempt to exert their ego even though they betas.

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