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Hmm. No such issue with mine. Might be a literal manufacturing defect.

I wonder if OP bothered to try and reproduce this with other models, or if they decided to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Have you used Tegra-specific software?

I grabbed SHADOWGUN THD (a Tegra-optimized game) this morning and experienced exactly what the submitter experience: The game is very quickly completely unplayable because you have to control movement on both sides of the screen, which you quickly discover isn't possible.

I am a huge Android booster, but I have to confess to being quite disappointed at this point. The screen has the left side defect where it raises from the frame. There are bizarre lag glitches and pauses (start a Netflix movie and for the first minute or so of play there are multi-second long video pauses).

I have a feeling this is going to turn into a giant PR disaster for Google/Asus.


I wasn't willing to pay for Shadowgun just to test this, but I played Fruit Ninja THD for a good 10 minutes with no problems. I also watched a full Netflix show with no appreciable lag.

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