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Megabus, Coach USA Bankruptcy: Wall Street Wrecked Discount Bus Option (businessinsider.com)
2 points by acjohnson55 5 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

>Megabus was the disruptor in the industry... And >but the original idea behind Megabus was to make the service sort of hip.

Megabus was riding the coattails of the various "Chinatown" buses. Megabus was the boring corporate copycat option, not the hip disruptor. Source - was youngster back then taking the fungwah between Boston and NYC before Megabus existed.

That’s literally the only route fungwah operated. This is why nobody likes coastal elites: y’all think y’all’s is the only experience.

You're literally the only person I've ever heard calling Fungwah riders "elite."

Does anyone dispute that the private equity ghouls are the scum of the earth? I would love to see an administration with the balls to lock them all up, but I fear the politicians of both parties are too beholden to them for their donations.

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