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JPEG XL: Industry-leading image compression and fidelity (jpegxl.info)
46 points by ksec 9 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Should have been posted because the website was revamped in a major way.

I miss the JPEG-XL art page, which once read: "JXL art is a form of procedural image generation that exploits the powerful meta-adaptive context model of JXL to produce interesting-looking images that are tiny jxl files." Sadly the page on the Internet Archive doesn't seem to have any of the JXL files, some of which looked pretty cool: https://web.archive.org/web/20210521120114/https://jpegxl.in...

Happily, one of the software packages they used to make tiny jxl files is still online here: https://jxl-art.surma.technology/

Found some work under jxlart hashtag on twitter https://x.com/hashtag/jxlart

The images are on the Archive, your browser just doesn't support JXL.

I don’t expect Apple to swap HEIC for JXL for iPhone 16, but I have heard the rumour…

HEIC is an amazing format. I don't know why more companies don't use it.

Amazingly patent-encumbered, though.

Yeah. JPEG-XL is a really good replacement but it seems like it's getting nowhere. It's been years and the adoption is still quite underground.

There is some movement.

Google Research recently committed to help implementing it, in Rust, for inclusion in Firefox.

https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/pull/1064: “the team at Google has agreed to apply their subject matter expertise to build a safe, performant, compact, and compatible JPEG-XL decoder in Rust, and integrate this decoder into Firefox. If they successfully contribute an implementation that satisfies these properties and meets our normal production requirements, we would ship it.”

Oh that is real good news!

Not really, it's a weird hack (using interframe compression from video compression) that worked fine as a stopgap, but JPEG-XL is leagues better.

Some previous discussion:

2021: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27577328

3 image example on small/med-low: jpeg looks better than jpeg-xl? but overall really impressive!

>royalty free implementation

Yeah, but not the spec itself, meaning it's hard to have both secure and conforming implementation.

The spec can be found online, but it only really details specifically how to decode various features. You can take a look at JXL-Oxide and libjxl's codebases and get a good idea, and before some idiot comes out and speaks about "muh loc" the decoder and encoder bits of libjxl really aren't that hard to read. libjxl's codebase is very well formatted, files are segregated really well into different aspects of the code stream etc.

it's not ideal, but I would rather be given libjxl's codebase over the av1 spec page. (not to mention that heif is paywalled anyways which means that avif, which is heif + av1 is paywalled too... https://www.iso.org/standard/83650.html)

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