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Show HN: High-performance Location tracking server built with PHP, Swoole (github.com/laggoune-walid)
19 points by LAGGOUNEWalid 10 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

PHP and a plain-text protocol aren't what I associate with high-performance, but I guess it's relative.

I share your sentiment but Swoole is an async event loop implementation for PHP.

It's relatively fast. Like 300k req/s on an old intel i5 with 4 cores fast.


Or 40% of top Tech Empower speed in composite score: https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#hw=ph&test=composite...

That's not bad at all!

Lol, no offence, I am sorry, but couldn’t resist to send lol after going through repo.

How is that no offence?

A quick glance tells me they put a lot of effort into it.

The least you could do is not post shallow mocking dismissal.

The title "high performance" without benchmark and comparison is shallow and not my lol.

Hi AnnaMere Thanks for the feedback! I'm currently working on benchmarks (using multiple tools for load testing) and comparisons to provide more detailed insights. This is still a beta version, so improvements are on the way!

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