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Mobile hacker? Want to have a big impact? Join SendHub (YC W12)
on June 14, 2012 | hide
We're looking for a talented and determined dev to lead our mobile client efforts.

Skills: Objective C and the iOS SDK | OO Javascript, we use Backbone | HTML & CSS | Git

Nice to have: Experience building hybrid native/js app | Python, or a desire to learn quickly (we use Django) | Heroku experience

About us: We're building simple tools for business to communicate with their customers. We have thousands of users, we’re sending hundreds of thousands of messages a month and we’re growing fast - 60%/month across users, usage and monetization.

What you’ll be doing: Working closely, and at speed, with our small team to make game-changing mobile communication apps. Due to our small size, you’ll be involved in almost every part of the software life cycle from specs discussion to implementation to testing and pushing to production. We push multiple times a day and you’ll likely push to production within 24 hours of starting.

Our Philosophy: We believe in building a wonderful product and taking care of our people. We uphold autonomy, mastery and recognition as core values to our team’s ability to execute effectively. We expect a lot of each other but we wouldn't want it any other way. We're hungry and we need you to be too.

We're based in downtown Menlo Park, CA (very close to the caltrain station) and while we're flexible on remote working, you'll need to be around the office.

If you're interested in being more than a cog in the machine, please drop us a line: jobs [at] sendhub [dot] com

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