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Reaching $5k/month with a free note-taking app (quicknotes.co)
4 points by indieept 4 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Hey HN community,

I recently developed a free and simple online note taking app focused on speed, functionality and UI. Please share your feedback and let me know which features you would like to see included, I will try to develop them on a daily/weekly basis to improve the product. My goal is to grow my user base and eventually implement a freemium business model to reach my goal of $5k/month in revenue.

Hi, tried the product. You can add a feature like notepad.pw where they generate a unique slug for each user? They even let the use choose their slug if it's available.

Congrats on the achievement! Can you elaborate how you reached that revenue?

How do you make money? Are there Pro features? Ads? Hard to tell from the website.

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