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Show HN: TurtleSpaces – free online 2D / 3D Logo-based IDE for young and old (turtlespaces.org)
3 points by empressplay 2 days ago | hide | past | favorite | discuss
Hey HN, we've just released a major update to turtleSpaces, the totally-free modern Logo-based IDE for kids (and kids at heart!)

turtleSpaces features a progressive series of coding environments, starting with very simple 2D Logo and adding shapes, physics, 3D movement, 3D forms, music and more! There's hundreds of example projects to learn from.

There is a web-based version using webAssembly, and you can now download an electron-wrapped offline version, which uses a native back-end to give much better performance, and stores user projects locally.

There are builds for macOS Intel, Silicon, Windows, Linux and Raspberry Pi (4+)

Our next mountain to climb is an Android/iOS-based player, so users can play their creations on their phones. Coming soon (we hope!)

Thanks for checking out turtleSpaces!

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