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Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution (wikipedia.org)
6 points by petermcneeley 3 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

The last time this came up, it was in the days between Jan 6 and Jan 20, 2021.

"Members of Trump Cabinet discussing invoking 25th Amendment"


The United States of America is in a sad place where these two are the only candidates. Both political parties have failed the nation.


No, Trump just says what he knows the electorate want to hear. Hes a fake too. He does what the deep state want him to do. He took out that Iranian General remember? That's pure neocon.

Relative to whom?

Sure, he may go along to get along, but you don't think he does so the least out of anyone else in memory? And, now, he wants to dismantle the freaking FBI. The deep state is his enemy this cycle. I can't remember another president for whom that was the case unless you wanna go conspiratorial like with Kennedy or something.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proportional_representation

A reform of the US voting system would make elections much more competitive and greatly reduce the risk of electing another Biden or Trump.

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