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Show HN: ViperIDE – MicroPython IDE for web and mobile (github.com/vshymanskyy)
106 points by vshymanskyy 1 day ago | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

It's hosted here: https://viper-ide.org/

I'm actually using it, right now, already. I happened to have a RP2040 board right here I was just writing some micropython for.

I think this is a good way to quick-start with the boards moreso than using the Thonny IDE. It handles the filesystem access perfectly.

LMK if anything doesn't work or can be improved. File uploading / downloading is planned further down the road.

This is super cool, and I love the old school tech stack. It makes for a very approachable codebase and a fast user experience.

As a reminder given the recent polyfill io attack, don't use public CDN hosted JS without also setting SRI attributes [1]. It's a marginal perf benefit because the cache is partitioned by top level domains now and it opens you up to attacks from the CDN owners.


As a bonus set CSP headers and a nonce when you can too, but definitely set SRI on any 3p scripts.

[1]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Subres...

Hi, congratulations on ViperIDE, did you create it yourself? The interface is great, as an editor it lacks basic functionality. But as a starting step it is great. Bravo

Yes this is my side-project. The core of the UI was created by ChatGPT and then polished :) Which basic features are missing from the editor?

I’m curious what basic functionality you think is missing?

This is incredibly cool! Nice work!

If the README included the tl;dr installation instructions, I'd be trying this out already.

You don't need to build it, it's hosted on https://viper-ide.org Also, this is Vanilla JS, so just opening the HTML file locally also works :)

P.S. I just realized I'm using the older CodeMirror 5 component for the editor. Migrating to CM6 will require the use of bundler.

The good news on the othe hand, the editor will get much better.

I have the same issue and also did not yet migrated, but there is another HN user who made Codemirror 6 easy again with a simple tag:


(I have not tested it myself yet)

Looks like the migration to CodeMirror 6 is complete!

Check out the new look and feel: https://viper-ide.org/

Needs more polishing though...


Is this account a GPT bot?

I don't see what this matter-of-fact objective summary of the github page adds to the discussion, and why a human would ever feel the need to leave such a comment.

Post/comment history is full of suspiciously GPT-like articulation too.

Curious what the end goal is.

Karma farming to sell account for astroturfing or marketing maybe?

Yes, 100%. Besides, the feature analysis was not entirely correct.

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