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Show HN: Translate .SRT Subtitles with ChatGPT (translatesrt.online)
3 points by averagGPRSnjoyr 2 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
If you tried translating subtitles in .SRT with ChatGPT, you've probably run into 2 problems:

- it doesn't keep exact line to line match and breaks timing for the subtitles - you need to cut .SRTs into chunks and translate them separately, losing context and meaning

The tool I built solves both problems by keeping exact line-by-line match and chunking the subs and adding previous context. This allows to translate accurately, keeping tone and style of the lines.

I made a free daily quota of 30KB per user, that should be enough for a TV series episode or average Youtube video.

Very useful but $7 per movie seems like a solty price…

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