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Masters of Elixir: A Comprehensive Resource Repository for Elixir Developers (github.com/jpstudioweb)
5 points by jpstdudioweb 2 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Hello, Hacker News!

I would like to share a project I've been working on called "Masters of Elixir." It is a comprehensive repository of resources for Elixir programmers, including documentation, courses, newsletters, books, online tutorials, and community events.

The goal is to provide a single reference source for those learning Elixir or looking to deepen their knowledge. I'm seeking feedback from the community and contributions to make the repository even more useful.

Check out the project here: https://github.com/jpstudioweb/masters-of-elixir

Thank you in advance for any feedback and suggestions!

Best regards, https://github.com/jpstudioweb

Nice work! That's a lot of great resources.

Only feedback I would have, is that if you wanted to be more identifiable/discoverable most projects like this are called "Awesome <something>" such as "Awesome Elixir". If you called it "Awesome Elixir" people would know at a glance what it is. It would also probably make your project easier to search for.

Thanks for sharing!

Thank you! When I started this project, I found that another project with the same name already existed, so I decided not to use the same name.

Ah, makes sense!

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