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ECMAScript 2024 (github.com/tc39)
2 points by uallo 6 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

ECMAScript 2024, the 15th edition, added facilities for resizing and transferring ArrayBuffers and SharedArrayBuffers; added a new RegExp /v flag for creating RegExps with more advanced features for working with sets of strings; and introduced the Promise.withResolvers convenience method for constructing Promises, the Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy methods for aggregating data, the Atomics.waitAsync method for asynchronously waiting for a change to shared memory, and the String.prototype.isWellFormed and String.prototype.toWellFormed methods for checking and ensuring that strings contain only well-formed Unicode.

From: https://tc39.es/ecma262/2024/

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