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Trailer (As Opposite to HTTP Header) (developer.mozilla.org)
9 points by laacz 3 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Over decades of doing HTTP requests via command line, I think I have only seen this used once. I often see the chunk sizes, i.e., the "0" at the end. But I never see a trailer.

I see that grpc uses Trailers,


but grpc over commandline isn't as common as regular requests.

What's amusing about this is Cloudflare converts HTTP/2 to HTTP/1.1 and then back again.

HTTP/2 just seems like it is designed for Google, CDNs, advertisers and a web full of even more behavioral tracking and ads, where even more HTTP requests are not initiated by the user. For that I am sure it is great. But that's not in the interests of me as an end user. I do not use a graphical browser, I do not request ads; the way I use the web, as a data source, HTTP/2 offers me nothing. For me, it removes one of HTTP's most useful features: HTTP/1.1 pipelining. I use this feature every day.

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