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Ask HN: Given a Spotify playlist, I would like to get all the tracks as MP3s
2 points by neya 5 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
Some backstory, I got tired of streaming services, particularly Apple Music constantly slapping DRM on top of my own music (ones I have uploaded to iCloud from CDs). So, I was thinking of writing some script that would perhaps get a playlist, be it Spotify or Apple and then get the Mp3 version of that song by whatever means. This is to literally just store an offline version of my music collection and listen to it from there. Any solutions you use already before I go down the rabbit hole of writing my own?


Rip your CD's then convert them to mp3's with ffmpeg.

I don't have those CDs anymore. That's the problem, besides, I would like to know what's the solution for the tracks on Spotify, though

Search it on youtube then use yt-dlp to pull down the mp3?

This was the route I was going to take, but YouTube to Mp3 conversion affects the sound quality, sadly :(

Really? I've never noticed a perceivable difference between all my downloaded music and the youtube versions. Do you have ffmpeg installed? Apparently yt-dlp will download in a lower quality if you don't

Ok, that makes sense. I will try this route. Thank you!

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