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Ask HN: My interest has gone down, how is yours?
9 points by HellDunkel 6 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
I just realized my interest in HN is fading and even though i still come by often to read the headlines the occasion where i read on have plummeted. Are you experiencing the same? I don't feel that my interests and hobbies have changed much.

Definitely feeling this quite a bit. Then again, my interest in the internet in general seems to have gone down a lot in the last year or so too. Just seems like things are less interesting online than they used to be.

Been reading HN compulsively since 2009 or so. About ten years of Slashdot before then. HN is still my first go-to when I grab my phone, haven't noticed any changes in interest.

Same here.

Switched to the ai summary version of hacker news to see: https://hackernews.betacat.io/

Spending less time diving into the lower quality comments. Completely stopped playing games. Started reading more. Interests change over time.

My interest in programming in general has been fading since the child birth. It has been a few weeks since I actually dive into a coding session. This was unthinkable a couple of years ago.

HN should limit to one Elon, one Apple, one Amazon, MS, etc. story per day. People at Arstechnica started complaining about Elon's news monopoly. These companies push their stuff way too hard.

AI has always been boring. I guess there’s a certain population that doesn’t want to think or create anymore and then there’s the rest of us.

I blocked Reddit on my phone so now my mindless interest in Hacker News has gone up a bit.

You’re 7 years older than when you created your account.

What exactly were you expecting?

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