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Family whose roof was damaged by space debris files claims against NASA (arstechnica.com)
6 points by openchampagne 8 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

> told Ars that she has asked NASA for "in excess of $80,000" for non-insured property damage loss, business interruption damages, emotional and mental anguish damages

> "We intentionally kept it very reasonable because we did not want it to appear to NASA that my clients are seeking a windfall," Worthy said.

$80000 is reasonable? $55 for one pack of Shingles, maybe some drywall patch, perhaps it damaged some roof sheathing, but that can be mostly papered over with asphalt patch most likely.

But then I was thinking maybe in 2024 80k is actually kinda small. :shrug:

You would think NASA would have been proactive here, reaching out before a claim was filed, to maintain good public relations.

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