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Show HN: I made native JavaScript regexes competitive with the best re flavors (github.com/slevithan)
2 points by slev 9 days ago | hide | past | favorite | discuss
I'm a longtime regex superfan, having coauthored O'Reilly Media's Regular Expressions Cookbook and creating/contributing to a variety of open source regex tools. I also love JavaScript, but historically its regexes have been underpowered compared to other modern regex flavors. So I recently created a lightweight library that upgrades native JS regexes with key features that, when combined with all the latest improvements in ES2024, IMO makes JS regexes step up to being among the very best to use (competitive with PCRE and Perl and maybe surpassing Python, Ruby, Java, and .NET). It allows even long and complex regexes to be beautiful, grammatical, and easy to understand.

Ideas/feedback about features you find especially useful from other programming languages and regex flavors is very welcome.

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