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Are the Rich Antisocial and the Poor Emotionally Intelligent? (cremieux.xyz)
6 points by Michelangelo11 10 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

How much will a rich person benefit if they are able to empathise better with poor people who are struggling, and hating them? Maybe that's why they are less emotionally intelligent. They have no incentive to be different. They usually don't make money from something that requires emotional intelligence either (some do, like lawyers, and i'm sure they are just fine on those metrics) - but most rich these days are doing something very isolated and shady where they benefit from seeing people as objects or "data points".

Maybe it's also a matter of selection. It happened to me hear from people that if i had better empathy i won't succeed in software outsourcing, and i think they are right.

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