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Hey HN: 20K Wasted Still Stuck at the same level am I being too hard on myself?
7 points by ttiatun 8 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
Hey HN,

Over the past 8 months, I've been working hard to build three SaaS products I wish I had when I started my entrepreneurial journey. Check them out:

https://mvpecipes.com: A collection of 250+ SaaS MVP templates that allow you to build almost any idea using no-code tools.

https://notionbrandingkit.com: A step-by-step guide on how to brand yourself or your business, making the process simple and accessible.

https://comingsoonkit.com: A collection of over 150 Webflow, Figma, and Tailwind waitlist page templates to help you build hype and collect emails before launching.

These tools have been game-changers for me. However, my sales numbers beg to differ. I'm curious – do any entrepreneurs in here think these tools are worth paying for? If so, what price would you pay for them? I would love your honest feedback. I can take an L.


I just checked out mvprecipes.com, here are some thoughts:

* You spend a lot of time explaining what a MVP is, for the target audience this is moot, and it also creates negative expectations, eg “ maybe this is not for me”

* I wasn’t excited and tempted to shell out $39 since I didn’t really understand what the capabilities of your offering are: where’s the video or link to blog post that shows you or someone else transforming an idea to MVP using the product. Maybe I missed this.

* I found the “someone in the US bought this 7 days ago” banner annoying

Thanks for the feedback. I take kind to it.

I clicked around the "branding kit."

Pro: First of all, I admire your hustle in putting it out there with some polish, nice landing page. If a thousand people looked at this, I'm sure many would buy.

Con: All "tell," no "show." I have some background in marketing. I can tell that this has zero original content or value. I clicked on the "steps" but they don't lead anywhere. There is literally nothing to see.

Your products look fine. I suspect that your marketing and targeting are one of the reasons for the lack of traction.

Over the years I have observed that many technical people suffer from not-invented-here syndrome and prefer to write solutions themselves. Non-technical people can't be bothered to understand essential technical concepts. They just want somebody to do it for them.

Went live with a small scale service business recently and am seriously looking into the branding kit platform. Soto answer your question I would pay for that one and the current price, while discounted, seems like great value.

I’m a fan of Pay once use forever models. Another site I purchased access to, with pdfs etc was “howacarworks.com” which has been valuable and was like $20

Good luck with things

Edit: not sure about the “become an affiliate” functionality though..

When you become an affiliate, you will get a link that you can add to your website, blog, or any other appropriate place. When someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase, you will receive 40% of the sale. The cookie is valid for 30 days, and this is done automatically through lemonsqueezy.

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