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Planks and wall sits are best for lowering blood pressure (theconversation.com)
30 points by gnabgib 26 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

4 sets of 2 minutes?

I heard that wall sits were some of the most effective exercises for blood pressure and have been doing them as part of my morning routine. However, I could not do 30 seconds of them initially. This is the second article that I see mentioning this 4 x 2 minutes thing. Is it common to be able to wall sit for 2 minutes four times with breaks? My thighs are burning terribly at 1 minute, and that is an improvement from when I started!

2 minutes of wall sitting is aggressive. Since they say sets, and they're talking about two specific exercises (wall sits, planks) and isometric exercises in general - they possibly mean 60s of 2/40s of 3/30s of 4/etc repeated?

There's quite a few isometrics - calf raise, v-sit, glute bridge, overhead hold, low squat, hand stand etc

from the study

"The IWS may also be prescribed using a self-selected wall squat, with a knee joint angle that would elicit a rate of perceived exertion (RPE) of 3.5–4.5/10 for bout 1; RPE 5–6/10 for bout 2; RPE of 6.5–7.5/10 for bout 3 and RPE of 8–9/10 for bout 4"

So it is 2 minutes per round, but probably at much higher than thighs parallel.

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