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I'm leaving OpenAI after 3½ yrs (twitter.com/e0m)
33 points by tosh 21 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Recent and related (I guess?):

Jan Leike Resigns from OpenAI - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40363273 - May 2024 (276 comments)

Ilya Sutskever to leave OpenAI - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40361128 - May 2024 (711 comments)

Combined with the recent departures of Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike, this doesn't seem good for OpenAI. I guess if you have valuable AI skills you want to be at your own company where you have a bunch of control and equity, or a large corp where you have a done of support and capability to get your code in front of billions of people.

Who's got the scoop on what's going on?

Partnership with Apple, maybe?

Who cares? Is this reality TV?

We get it, some very smart people that were early contributors to the beast that is ChatGPT today are mad that a big corporation came in and wants to turn their hard work into something super profitable and "not-as-aligned-with-their-original vision"/go a different direction.

How is that a new story? Hasn't that happened thousands of times in history?

It should be called "ClosedAI" instead, we get it.

> We get it, some very smart people that were early contributors to the beast that is ChatGPT today are mad that a big corporation came in and wants to turn their hard work into something super profitable

I think the commenter is asking if that's what happened, or purely HN conjecture

Gossip, like reality TV, and rehashing the same thing over and over again is not intellectually stimulating.

But YOU were the one gossiping. We are wondering why multiple people are quitting and you're saying "It's because they're upset with their work is being bastardized, and you're stupid for liking gossip like that because it's tired."

What the hell do you want me to do with that?

If OpenAI is really on the path to AGI (however vaguely we define that) and AGI is the most important technological milestone we have yet to reach, it raises questions around why prominent employees are leaving the company.

Investors putting pressure on them to deliver what the marketing sold to the world without checking with the techies first?

I think this will be necessary to fully realize AGI in the world and am excited to share more about it soon

Didn't they kick Sam Altman out because they were scared of AGI?

I think there's a spectrum among employees to how much they believe in the xrisk/ lesswrong stories. The people on the board were full on effective altruists. If I had to guess he's completely sincere in saying that there needs to be more than just LLMs for AGI. With the diminishing returns were seeing, openai is going the productization rout

What a roller coaster ride. I'm glad to be on the outside of this one.

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