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Show HN: I build a browser extension for UX flows (chromewebstore.google.com)
1 point by johnwheeler 14 days ago | hide | past | favorite
Hi HN!

I wanted to show off a browser extension I developed for recording UX flows. Here's what one looks like:


Before I explain why I think this is super useful, I'd like to mention it was a pain in the ass to develop for two reasons:

1. This was my first extension. The Chrome extension API is weird with all its promise/callback sendResponse madness. I feel like I'm starting to get a handle on it though.

2. Making it work cross-browser and on mobile (which is essential so people can experience desktop web-apps on their mobile phones) was and is hard.

The reason why it's cool is because if you're working on a browser-based feature, you can ask your friend or coworker to record themselves trying it. They can do that and then annotate the video and you can play it back and experience it the way they did.

That's not its primary use case, but it is the one I think HN would appreciate it most for. If you want to use it for free, just let me know and I'll give you a full account for free.

Please let me know what you think! Thank you!

P.S. I know the text in my Chrome WebStore video goes by too fast. I apologize for that. Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about that now.

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