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Questions about molecular plastics recycling (2020) (plasticstoday.com)
7 points by 1970-01-01 17 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Following the Tesla analogy at the beginning of the article, it seems like the conclusion here is that success will need to be continuously redefined, in the way that now Tesla’s valuation purportedly requires it to solve the (very hard) problem of fully autonomous driving rather than the (merely hard) problem of electric cars and charging network?

Eastman just recently announced they are fully operational at their new molecular recycling facility:



I think the only answer to plastic is a gradual, increasing ban. It will be costly, complicated, and at best a pipe dream right now, but it will work. Just a ban on new plastics in packaging would tremendously cut down on plastic waste. In a short time I think the paper, glass, and metal producers will fill the need. A ban may seem extreme, costly, etc. but I see no other way to stop the creeping tidal wave of plastics in... everything.

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