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Bangladeshi farmers find zucchini's high yields and low costs palatable (mongabay.com)
1 point by PaulHoule 25 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

The zucchini in the photograph are huge. I can understand that the farmers want them to grow large like that because they earn money by weight of their product.

If you pick them when they are half that size or smaller, they are way easier to cook with, require less work in the kitchen, and you have less food waste.

At that large size, the skin is very thick and not palatable, and the insides are filled with hundreds of large seeds that are also not enjoyable to deal with. Smaller zuchinni, picked not long after the skin has turned the dark green, have a thin skin and the seeds haven't really developed yet. You can eat the entire vegetable (except the stem) - just chop it up or slice it and use it in your cooking.

You have to wonder if Bangladeshi farmers could sell smaller zucchini as a premium product for a higher price and earn more money. Bangladesh may not be wealthy enough for that to work.

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