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Show HN: My Spin on a Maze Generator – Looking for Feedback (ai-mazegenerator.com)
2 points by sagasu007 23 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
Hey everyone,

I've been following along, inspired by all the cool projects I've seen on HN. I decided to roll up my sleeves and code something myself – a maze generator! It's a fun little tool that lets you create, navigate, and download mazes of all shapes and sizes.

I've thrown in some options for customizing the maze, like wall thickness and color schemes. Plus, there's an A* search algorithm for finding the quickest way out of the maze.

Now that I've got it up and running, I'm looking for some honest feedback. What do you think? What would you change? How can I make it even better?

If you've got a minute, check it out and let me know your thoughts: AI Maze Generator

Thanks for taking a look, and I'm all ears for your suggestions!

> 5. Is maze free to use?

> - Based on the provided information, it seems that the website allows users to create and download random maze puzzles for free. However, it's always a good idea to check the site's terms of use or FAQ section for the most accurate information.

It would be nice to clarify that.

For a maze with a lot of walls like the ones you make, I thought that a simplified version of Dijkstra is better than A*. Have you tested both in big mazes?

Thank you for finding the bug. I will correct it now. It is indeed free to use. Regarding Dijkstra, I will research it, thanks for the recommendation

Another question: How is AI used in this project? I expect it to be some direct randomized algorith. (IIRC making nice mazes is difficult, so the creation algorithm needs a lot of tweeks until the result is nice, but I can't see how AI can help.)

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