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Inside The Quiet Mind: The Absence of Inner Speech (neurosciencenews.com)
21 points by bookofjoe 25 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Did a quick lookup, seems this is the only time this term is used on pubmed.

Which is interesting because the first time I heard this concept was with “NPC” protestors or interviewees man on the street style.

Makes you wonder, if you have Anendophasia what if any implications are there philosophically?

I think a person is a person with a soul, whatever that is. I think the NPC meme will grow as a strong genre and further popular poltergeist.

I wonder how the perception has changed over time. It's noted that in the past, silent reading was considered unusual, and I imagine there's a correlation.

For people without an inner voice, how do they think about things? I can imagine purely visual thinkers, and even thinkers that don't experience either; some of my best thinking starts with blanking my mind, and I feel that that gives my subconscious space, but it still seems alien to me that that would be the common state.


Now repeat this study for meditators. I used to vocalise and the total volume of internal vocalisation decreased with increasing practice. I have a high level of verbal intelligence, so I wonder how this has impacted?

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